About Plexatalk

Transforming Business Communication with VoIP

Welcome to Plexatalk (DMV Telecom Ltd), a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) company.

Our story began with the establishment of Plexaweb (DMV Technology Ltd) in 2016, marking our entry into the dynamic world of web design and development in Southampton. Since then, our voyage has expanded into the innovative field of VoIP communication.

The Birth of Plexatalk

Plexatalk was conceived from the in-house expertise and technical prowess developed at Plexaweb. Our venture into setting up our own PBX servers for internal use paved the way for a revelation – the creation of a VoIP comapny that was markedly superior in quality and reliability compared to many existing third-party solutions. Recognising the immense potential of this technology, Plexatalk was launched to offer these advanced communication services to a broader audience. If we could create a better alternative for us? Why not share it with other companies looking for quality VoIP solutions that don’t break the bank!

Our Vision and Expertise

At Plexatalk, our focus is on excellence and dependability in VoIP services. We have a deep understanding of technology and its pivotal role in effective business communication. We’re committed to ensuring seamless and reliable communication solutions tailored to the needs of modern businesses.

We’re all about innovation and will always put our efforts into our mission; providing quality VoIP at affordable prices.

Customisation and Value: Our Commitment

Our dedication at Plexatalk is to deliver VoIP solutions that are not only technologically superior but also economical. We strive to make top-tier communication accessible to businesses of all sizes by offering customised services. Our bespoke packages are carefully crafted to meet the specific requirements of each client, ensuring a personalised experience.

Looking Towards the Future

Following in the footsteps of Plexaweb’s expansion, including the launch of plexaweb.us for our North American clients, Plexatalk is poised to revolutionise the way businesses communicate. We are devoted to providing solutions that not only meet the current demands of business communication but also pave the way for future advancements.

Discover a new era of business communication with Plexatalk, where innovative technology is seamlessly integrated with unparalleled reliability, making every conversation a step towards greater success.